Enter the thrilling world of Angry Rooster Fighting Hero: Farm Chicken Battle! Play as a brave and furious rooster in this epic farm animal fighting game. Engage in challenging battles against wild roosters in a farm tournament where only the strongest will emerge victorious. With realistic 3D animations, immersive graphics, and intense action-packed gameplay, this game is perfect for players who love combat and strategy games. Test your skills, execute powerful attacks, and prove your dominance in the rooster fighting arena!
- Face different rooster rivals using unique fighting techniques
- Several strikes and fighting styles for maximum entertainment
- Exciting farm rooster fight tournament with endless challenges
- Stunning 3D animations and realistic quality sound effects
- Incredible graphics showcasing the intense farm battles
- Choose your favorite wild rooster and customize your strategy
- Easy game controls for an addictive gameplay experience
Unity 2019-2021
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