Embark on a delightful journey from a quaint town to a bustling animated township in Animated Township 2 - Farm & Build. Dive into the exciting world of city-building and farming simulation as you witness your humble village evolve into a vibrant cartoon metropolis.
- City Building: Construct houses, decorations, and streets to craft a unique cityscape.
- Farming Simulation: Cultivate wheat, corn, cows, and chickens on your village farm adjacent to the city township.
- Dream City Creation: Shape the destiny of your city with strategic decisions, molding it into your dream metropolis.
- Beautiful Design: Enjoy visually stunning and comfortable city-building gameplay, ranging from charming townships to sprawling megacities.
- Community Happiness: Create a joyful atmosphere by organizing playgrounds, cafes, restaurants, villas, and homes to keep your residents content.
- Transportation Network: Establish an efficient transportation network to send goods via trains to neighboring cities, fostering connectivity and trade.
- Quests and Festivals: Engage in a plethora of entertaining quests and personal festivals that enrich the cultural fabric of your town.
Unity 2022
Last Update 29-12-2024
- Transitioned to Unity 2022
- Bug Fixes
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