Flare Up 3D

0 122
$19 $13.30
.cs, .csproj, .dll, .prefab, .unityproj, .xml, build.settings


Flare Up 3D is an ultra-casual game. This complete Unity project comes with built-in ads (Unity Ads and AdMob), making it an excellent choice for developers seeking to create a fun, endless arcade-style game. The game features clean and structured code, making it easy to reskin with its editor scripts. With support for both iOS and Android, Flare Up 3D is optimized for mobile platforms and designed to be monetized with integrated ad systems.


  • Endless gameplay for maximum replayability.
  • Integrated ads, including Unity Ads and AdMob, for easy monetization.
  • Cool UI effects and immersive sound design.
  • Full support for both iOS and Android platforms.
  • Clean, structured code, allowing easy modifications.
  • Editor scripts included for simple reskinning and customization.


Unity 2019.4.18f1

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