HelpDesk v3.2 - Online Ticketing System with Website - ticket support and management

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$25 $12.50
JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, Sass, PHP, SQL

Live Demo Online Documentation


HelpDesk is a powerful ticket management system that can manage massive data. It’s a single-page application made with Laravel, Vue.js, and InertiaJS.

You don’t need any other website as HelpDesk has front pages supporting the blog post, FAQ, services, privacy policy, terms, knowledge base, etc.



Change log:

--- 3.2 (26 Aug 2023) --- 
- FIXED: Customer can update status, select another customer, assign user (now customer won't be able to do) 
- FIXED & IMPROVEMENT: KnowledgeBase database and seeder.

--- 3.1 (14 Aug 2023) ---
- FIXED: Fixed ticket status issues while a ticket not closed
- IMPROVEMENT: Setup default ticket status and hide this from the initial ticket creation
- FEATURE: Auto fill up user details while create a new ticket by Logged in user from the front pages.
- FEATURE: Added CronJob URL, so cronjob can be set with cPanel or Shared hosting.
- NEW: Updated documentation for the email piping cronjob setup

--- 3.03 (14 July 2023) ---
* FEATURE: Remove further access for the closed tickets.
* NEW: Added Portuguese and Swedish Languages

--- 3.02 (15 Jun 2023) ---
* FEATURE: Added services front page

--- 3.01 (27 May 2023) ---
* FIXED: Pusher setup configuration page issue fixed for the admin panel.

--- 3.00 (22 May 2023) ---
* NEW: Email Piping (Sending an email will automatically create a new ticket)
* IMPROVED: FrontPages Update with New Design
* UPGRADE: Installation System Upgrade

--- 2.93 (10 May 2023) --- 
- IMPROVED: Improved installation functions and migration options 
- FIXED: Fixed permissions issues

--- 2.92 (4 May 2023) --- 
* FIXED: Auto logout issue while changing user profile photo

--- 2.91 (28 April 2023) ---
* TINY FIXED: Contact page email address link issue.
* TINY FIXED: Contact page phone number link issue.

--- 2.9 (13 April 2023) ---
- NEW: Added contact email recipient option where to send email
- NEW: Added an option login to create a new ticket for the front page
- FIXED: Browser top bar app title change

--- 2.8 (02 April 2023) ---
- FIXED & IMPROVEMENT: Chat Functionalities
- FEATURE: Permanently delete options
- FIXED: SMTP setup
- FIXED: Front page ticket submit issue (The email has already been taken)
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved some inner functionalities

--- 2.7 (20 March 2023) ---
- NEW: Added enable/disable options for Chat, Services, Knowledge Base, FAQ, Blog, Organization, Contacts, Notes and Show Login on the front page.
- NEW: Add/remove Language from the site, including the menu

--- 2.6 (25 February 2023) ---
- NEW: Footer text(under the Logo) change option for the front pages.

--- 2.5  (21 February 2023) ---
- NEW: Added Custom CSS option on the settings page
- NEW: Added favicon adding option
- FEATURE: Auto add default logo on the email template

--- 2.4  (08 January 2023) ---
- NEW: Added RTL feature for the front pages

--- 2.3  (05 January 2023) ---
- IMPROVEMENT: Refactor Contact Front Page
- FIXED: Contact Form Submission

--- 2.2  (02 January 2023) ---
- FIXED: View ticket link for the email

--- 2.2  (30 December 2022) ---
- NEW: front page footer(copyright) option
- FIXED: Ticket pages UID issues

--- 2.1  (16 December 2022) ---
- NEW: Import Databased Seed As Demo Data
- FIXED: FAQ items limitations
- FIXED: Internal System Performance
- FIXED: Migration

--- 2.0  (09 December 2022) ---
- NEW: RTL Support (dashboard)
- NEW: Hide particular ticket field option
- NEW: User Permission and Role Management
- NEW: Forgot Password option
- FIXED: Chat improvement
- FIXED: Fixed Organization and contact creation issues
- FIXED: Improved ticket filters

-- 1.0 (01.11.2022) ---
* Initial Release

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HelpDesk has the following features:

  • Ticket Support/Assign
  • Email Notification
  • Front Pages with Management
  • Ticket/Thread Discussion
  • Live Chat
  • Contacts/Organizations Management
  • Notes modules
  • Customer/User management

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