slider-bg Parcheesi Ludo (Android studio + Admob + GDPR)
slider-bg Parcheesi Ludo (Android studio + Admob + GDPR)
slider-bg Parcheesi Ludo (Android studio + Admob + GDPR)
slider-bg Parcheesi Ludo (Android studio + Admob + GDPR)

Parcheesi Ludo (Android studio + Admob + GDPR)

0 322
$49 $19.60
.java, .xml, Layered PSD, Layered PNG, JavaScript JS

Update 2022, Android Studio respecting Google recommendations for android development. 

Ludo Partchis is the modern version of the royal Pachisi game. A Ludo game that was played between kings and indians in ancient times. Roll the dice Ludo and move your chips to reach the center of the Ludo plateau. Defeat other players and become King Ludo.

Ludo Partchis suits the traditional rules and the old and traditional aspect of the Ludo game. The game Ludo has evolved over the centuries to now arrive on your mobile phone. Just like the kings and queens of India, your destiny of the game and your strategy of moving your chips.

Parcheesi Ludo (Android studio + Admob + GDPR) - 2


- No internet connection required!
- Computer, or 2 to 4 players modes
- Great graphics with layred png
- Powerful AI for computer mode
- save game progress and resume
- Admob Ads : Banner and Interstitials

✅ Documentation demo videos :

Take a look on free videos :

Run Android Studio
     Video 1
Parcheesi Ludo (Android studio + Admob + GDPR) - 3
  Generate a signed APK
     Video 2
Parcheesi Ludo (Android studio + Admob + GDPR) - 4
    Edit a project
     Video 3
Parcheesi Ludo (Android studio + Admob + GDPR) - 5

(demo – some parts are included exclusively for buyers in the documentation)

Change Log

version 2022_03_26 :
+ Added support for API-33
+ new GDPR Consent : based on User Messaging Platform (as Google recommendations)
+ mode : under_age  (for games targeting childrens -13)
+ improve the loading of the game
+ fix security issues and deprecated function
+ update all libraries to support last gradle version
+ new documentation

version 2022_08_25:
+ Added support for API-33
+ Fix multiple deprecated functions

version 2021_10_04:
+ Added support for API-30
- Remove cordova plugins.

version 2020_09_02 :
+ Added support of Android Studio 4.0.1
+ update build tools
+ Fix deprecated functions

version 2020_06_01 :
- Integrate push notifications
- Fix a bug related to the size of the game on phones with high resolution
- Fix a bug on lower phones using kitkat 4.4
- Improve the code/rendering
- Update to build tools 4.0 (fix depreated functions)

version 2020_05_23 :
- Fix a bug related to the close of the game
- Add to the hooks : button pause customizations of position and size.

version 2020_04_18 :
- Fix the preview version prob : admob multiple placements

version 2020_03_25 :
- Update the build tool to 3.6.1
- Improve backbutton functionality with page setting
- Fix a security issue

version 2020_02_26 :
- Added the support of Android Studio 3.6
- Upgrade the gradle version.

version 2020_02_25 :
- Integrate Firebase
- Update the build tools to 3.5.3
- Improve the documentation with more videos.

version 2019_11_23 :
- Fix the backbutton issue : return to the back screen.
- Fix button play to respect rules of Ads.
- Add more security to the game.
- Improve the loading time.
- Update the build tools to 3.5.2

version 2019_08_15 :
- resolve the problem Google: "we don’t allow: Ads that aren’t clearly labeled" 
- integrate API-29

version 2019_07_29 :
- Fix problems with the new version of Android Studio
- Fix sound problems

version 2019_06_17 :
- First publish

version 2018_10_01 :
start of the project

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