AstroTalks - Astrology Consultation Script v1.0

0 312
$50 $25
.php, .css, .html, .sql, .swf/.flv, .swift, .apk, .db, .java, .xml, Javascript .js

Are you looking to start your own astrology business but don’t know where to begin?

Look no further than our new AstroTalks app! Our app includes mobile apps for both customers and partners, who can be astrologers, counselors, or subject experts. With our ready-made system, you can launch your very own astrology app in no time and start earning money immediately.

Our app is based on the trending businesses like Astrotalk, Guruji,Yodha,Astroyogi and similar, which have already proven to be successful in the market. By investing in our app, you can tap into this growing market and offer your customers the insights they crave.

Our app comes with a fully functional backend developed in Laravel, which is a widely used PHP-based web application framework. This means that our app is easy to customize and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. We also use cutting-edge technologies like Agora for live audio and video calling and Firebase for instant messaging between customers and partners. This ensures a seamless and reliable user experience that your customers will love.

One of the key features of our app is the audio and video calling system, which allows your customers to connect with astrologers in real-time. This feature is powered by Agora, which ensures high-quality audio and video calls that are stable and reliable. In addition, our app also comes with an instant messaging system powered by Firebase, which allows customers and partners to communicate with each other easily.

Our app also offers live streaming for astrologers like tiktok, which allows them to connect with a larger audience and share their expertise with others. Customers can book appointments with their favorite astrologers, send them gifts as tokens of appreciation, and even review them based on their experience.

As the owner of the app, you can earn commission on every transaction that takes place on the platform. You can also sell astrology-related products, such as books or crystals, to your customers. This means that you can earn money not only through the services provided by astrologers but also through the sale of related products.

Overall, our new astrology app is the perfect solution for anyone looking to start their own astrology business. With its easy-to-use interface, powerful features, and cutting-edge technologies, our app is sure to become a favorite among astrologers and customers alike. Don’t wait any longer – invest in our app today and start your journey towards success!


Admin Panel:

Username: [email protected]

Password: admin123

User App Download Link:

Astrologer App Download Link:

What You Will Get?

1) Website + Admin Panel

2) Mysql Database File

3) User App Flutter File(Android & IOS)

4) Astrologer App Flutter File(Android & IOS)

5) Documentation


Here’s an updated list of features:

1. Flutter Mobile apps for both customers and partners, who can be astrologers, counselors or subject experts

2. Fully functional backend developed in Laravel

3. Audio and video calling system with astrologers powered by Agora

4. Instant messaging system powered by Firebase

5. Daily horoscope feature that allows users to check their horoscope on a daily basis

6. Kundli builder that allows users to build and share their kundli as well as their family and friend’s kundli

7. Matchmaking feature that allows users to match their kundli with others and share the results with anyone they choose

8. Live streaming for astrologers

9. Booking system for appointments with astrologers

10. Gift sending feature for customers to send tokens of appreciation to astrologers

11. Review system for customers to rate and review astrologers based on their experience

12. Commission system for app owner to earn on every transaction

13. E-commerce functionality to sell astrology-related products

14. Admin can set different commission rates for all astrologers or default set for all

15. Wallet feature: users can recharge their wallet to use app features like chat, audio or video call.

With these features, our astrology app provides a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to start their own astrology business or for customers who want to connect with astrologers from around the world.

The daily horoscope feature allows users to check their horoscope on a daily basis, while the kundli builder and matchmaking features provide even more insights into their future.

The audio and video calling system, instant messaging system, and live streaming features ensure that customers can easily connect with astrologers and get the insights they need.

Additionally, the gift sending feature and review system provide a way for customers to show their appreciation for the services provided by astrologers.

Finally, the e-commerce functionality and commission system provide a way for the app owner to earn money on every transaction. Overall, our app is the perfect solution for anyone looking to start their own astrology business or for customers who want to connect with astrologers and get insights into their future.


PHP version 8.0 Or Higher

Cpanel Hosting Will Work

Flutter 3.10.6
PHP extensions: Mysqli, cURL, Mbstring, PDO, openSSL, JSON, Ctype, fileinfo, BCMath, GD
MySQL 5.7.7+ (recommended MariaDB 10.3.35)
Server space for project files, media assets


We've created easy-to-understand documentation (you'll find it in the Documentation folder) to guide you as you work on your Asatrotalks app. 

Here is an simple instruction to start using this code.

1) Buy This Code From Online
2) Install Backend In Your Web Hosting
3) Setup Your Website Configuration
4) Download Android Studio, Import Our Code And Build Apk
5) Upload It in play store and start earning.

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